PHILADELPHIA, PA. Jim McKenzie, a surrealist artist who recently celebrated his debut solo art show
“Lost Magic” at Copro Gallery this summer, will unveil his latest creation “Welcome to the Underworld” as
apart of Imaginary Menagerie 4 for Arch Enemy Arts in Philadelphia on September 2, 2016. The opening
reception will be held in the evening from 6:00pm to 10:00pm and is open to the public, (Artist will be present). The show will be
on display at the gallery which is located at 109 Arch Street in Philadelphia, PA 19106 through October 1st.
McKenzie’s short film “The Scarecrow”, which showcases the two years of work that went into creating
his show’s signature piece, went viral shortly after his debut. However, McKenzie is drawing inspiration
from another creature in “Lost Magic” titled “Pugglepillar” for his new piece. Imaginary Menagerie 4 will
center around artistic interpretations of mythical creatures by sixteen different artists. McKenzie is
currently at work creating “Welcome to the Underworld”, a threeheaded dog similar to Cerberus, the
hound in Greek mythology who guards the entrance to Hades.